My mom, my friend Kim, and I went to see Beth Moore tonight. We had so much fun! Ce Ce Winans opened with beautiful praise music as did Travis Cottrell. Beth Moore spoke from the Gospel of Luke (which is what the boys and I have been studying in CBS) about Elizabeth and Zacharia. I am not going to do her message justice but I took got out of it was that our Awesome God always hears our prayers and always has an answer - it just may not be on our time schedule it sure wasn't for Elizabeth's ( to have a baby as an elderly women??? - can you imagine???) Beth's four main points were: We need to 1. Be looking for Him 2. Bring our disappointments to the alter 3. Believe to the bone that God has heard you 4. Blessed are you when what comes naturally to others comes supernaturally to you!

I was so excited to get to see Karla- we have not seen each other in over 3 years!!
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